As an artist and birth worker, I find the cornerstone of my work is to cultivate resiliency against the casual violence of dominant culture. I often nestle humor against factual information to offer outlets of relief.

Innately drawn to this work, I became a birth worker after driving cross country and then landing in a communal home with a midwife. Inspired to support birthing people, I began mentorship with a well established doula and trained with Birthing Advocacy Doula Training. These experiences allowed me to connect with my autonomy and build community. By allowing myself to engage with this work, it is my hope my clients claim their own right to autonomous, community-based care.

My practice honors the birth giver’s preferences and centers care around postpartum planning. I am an advocate of rituals that support the birth giver’s need for rest and nourishment. I gently hold space for my clients as they navigate the complex emotions that may arise during this time and make sure they are well rested, fed, and connected with community referrals.

When I’m not working, I’m usually collecting flowers, planning a dinner party with friends, or printing on the Risographs at Common Area Maintence.

                                                          Photos by Holly Stevens